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Corona - Message of annihilation

At present, coronavirus attacks are going on all over the world. In some places, lives are becoming a target of death. In other places, the fear of corona has caused the downfall of the wheel of life. More than a thousand people have lost their lives. Two weeks ago, the number of corona virus patients in Pakistan was around 9,000, which has now crossed 32,000. About 1,000 new patients are being added in Pakistan on a daily basis. The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that unless strict precautions are taken, the number of coronavirus patients in Pakistan could exceed 200,000 by mid-July. The United States tops the list of countries infected with coronavirus, where the White House Staff have been instructed to stay away from the president's office inside the White House building and must wear a mask when entering the president's office. It is a fact that no country in the world has a cure for the coronavirus yet. Adam is talking about hiding in his house Educational Institutions, Temple of Justice 'Temple' Because the situation of justice is like that which can be expected from lifeless idols of stone, that is, the idols of the stone carved by my hands are sitting in the idol house. The institutions of education and research are closed. The closure of the most organized schools and colleges is a matter of grave concern and a sign of a bleak future, especially for developing countries like Pakistan where full-fledged creatures, ponies, ignorant, full of hypocrites, majority, corrupt, half-corrupt and some semi-corrupt people are ruled by extremely ruthless rulers. The situation is that the Siani creatures mean that one of the biggest problems, such as in the time of Coronaoba, the creatures that were free from corruption, dreaming of change, giving examples of the state of Madinah and claiming to get rid of debt and debt are not only begging and borrowing today. On the contrary, they are engaged in making professional beggars by contacting philanthropists by giving 12,000 rupees to someone. While the epidemic of coronavirus has kept humanity in dire straits, a large number of people have been affected by the Almighty. He has been forced to repent in Gah. He has opened the pool of abilities and priorities of the rulers. He has clarified the difference between sincerity and hypocrisy to a great extent. He has made his own identity known. There is no ability to look beyond one's own caste. The fact has come to light that the poor Kadil is far more generous as he is, that is, he has no ability to do good deeds for the sake of good deeds. Hospitals are sometimes treated by a doctor and sometimes by a physician. During this time, they are unable to attend to their duties. They used to work in a medicine manufacturing company. Whenever we call them and ask them about their condition, they are in a state of extreme weakness and anxiety. I say I'm not feeling well. You take me to a good doctor. Most of his words sound like innocent children. Thanks to him, despite his absence from company duty, his full salary has been in his account for the last several years. May I have never found out what the salary of a worker would be more than fifteen to twenty thousand rupees. Salamat Bhai: We are the weakest among our dear relatives in health and financial matters. No land, property, business, only salary is the only source of health. The second extension of Coronal Down is announced. It is thought that Salamat Bhai is a self-reliant man and will never reach out to anyone, so some arrangements should be made for him. Two or three days passed in the same thought The message is that this time his company has sent the salary from Derse due to which we were unable to find out your need while today the salary has come in our account. Tell us if you need anything or send money so that you can buy the necessities of life. Begum Sahaba delivered the message of Salamat Bhai. Tears welled up in her eyes. A sick and poor person offered her help before us while her heart was feeling very happy. That someone had offered us help in the first twelve difficult times with utmost sincerity while everyone in the family has status. Praise be to Allaah. He has bestowed all kinds of blessings. The same blessing was felt that in times of lockdown and unemployment, someone Aziz had not yet inquired about the situation and was not overjoyed that Salamat Bhai and his wife not only asked us what we needed but were also stubborn to take something from the needy. In the presence of a sincere human relationship, this desire is also the Lord. Al-Izzat said that there is a relationship that we feel and at the same time the perfect disbeliever understands that the servant does not know that Allah helps him from where man cannot even think. It is also a blessing that attracts us. It is also a great reason to recognize our strangers. It is also a test of the ability of the ruler of the time and it is also a message of doom for humanity that one day we will all leave this world. Silk, nation, tribe, race, wealth, poverty, including all the curtains of discrimination have been torn. Developed countries are in the grip of coronavirus. The clear message is that human development has no reality in the face of God's plan. Seeking relief from the coronavirus, on the other hand, is more grateful to the Almighty
